“I’m Ready (But A Little Nervous)

Anyone Need A…..Guitar Player?

A guitar player. A little strange to refer to myself as such but I’m ready for it after 20 years of playing electric bass. Many years in the making. We’ll get to that a little later. But for now ……

We are looking for a gig. The Epiphone ES335, Boss Katana Artist amp and myself are ready. We are looking to fill the second guitar/rhythm slot for Praise & Worship,  Traditional & Contemporary Gospel, R&B, Hip Hop and Pop bands. The ideal ensemble will have regular rehearsals to allow time to learn songs prior to performances as my experience catches up to my skill. 

In addition to my desire to play I bring love and respect for people, positive spiritual energy and an intense obsession with all things music.

Looking forward to seeing you on a stage sometime soon……..


Yamaha MT10 SP

Man. What a nice ending to a much needed weekend. Got everything done on my “to do” list. Great weather albeit a little on the chilly side for Spring. Sunday dinner at 3 which left more time in the afternoon for creativity. And more time to dream about the silver-blue motorcycle above.

Three years ago I bought the gray-orange motorcycle pictured hear.  Hadn’t owned a bike in over twenty years so I bought the MT03. It was a smaller bike than the previous ones I owned but it was also a much smaller financial investment in the event that I didn’t have the same interest as before.

Well, I outgrew that bike rather quickly and started looking for something larger. I was always interested in the larger displacement bikes (MT09 and MT10) but could never find them on the showroom floor to check ’em out.  Well …..

The MT10 is one bad ass bike.  Finally got to see one in person and was not disappointed.  470 pounds. 165 horsepower.  83 pounds/feet of torque.  Aggressive naked styling. Sold!

Well, not just yet……..but It’s gonna be next in the near future.

“Food For Thought”

Man, I have so much to write about. So much to talk about.  Just can’t seem to find the time. 

At the start of each month I vow to have a new post once a week at the very least.  Somehow the time just creeps away.  But…..

There are three things that I must find the time to discuss. They are too important to let go by without sharing my thoughts and hopefully hearing yours. So to add some motivation I’m gonna provide the titles in advance.

“Why Is Humanity So Cruel To It’s People” hint: killing

“Where The Hell Are We Going People” hint: bad drivers

“Don’t Believe Anyone Who Tells You Only What You Want To Hear” hint: politics

Hopefully I’ll get to these soon.  Stay tuned…….

“Maybe Next Weekend….”

Sunday. April 14th. 2024. 9:40pm. I am watching Billy Joel’s 100th consecutive sellout of his Madison Square Garden Residency.  No matter your preferred choice of music, if you were alive in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s you heard Billy Joel songs whether you knew it or not.

Not a bad way to end a weekend for a music fan. Especially considering the fact that this was the second weekend in a row where my personal “to do” list took a back seat to my real life “to do” list.  Aw man!

Played some guitar. Got some exercise in but not as much as my body needed.  So after spending the afternoon being my own landscaper and installing new closet shelving I find myself in front of the TV trying to push Monday morning back as far as possible.

You know what? Changing my mindset. I’m gonna speed up the arrival of Monday morning. Then I’ll attack the rest of week in hopes of getting to Friday sooner. And maybe, just maybe I’ll get to finish my personal to do list.

“Mind, Body, Spirit, Soul”

It was Wednesday April 3, 2024. 8 o’clock pm. After waking up to body chills and sleepwalking through the day with fatigue I decided to listen to music to help me relax. After a brief moment of deliberation it was Barry White’s “Your Game Baby” for the first song.

So after listening to the song once I play it again. As the song plays my mind inexplicably takes me back the the 1970s. I begin to crave more 70s music. For the next two days I listen to Barry White, Heatwave, GQ, the Ohio Players. And then….

I realize the I had never watched some of the classic movies of the era. So Friday night I turn on “A Piece of the Action”. The acting, cinematography and language are dated by today’s standards but the movie’s theme and representation of the culture at that time were entertaining. So much so that……

On Saturday I watch “Uptown Saturday Night”. On Sunday I watch “Let’s Do It Again”. I had never seen these classic movies in their entirety until now. So much history. So many iconic actors. So many beautiful actresses. So much influence.

I don’t know why my mind guided me to the music and movies of the 70s, but my body, soul and spirit were much better on Monday morning. 

“Sexy At Sixty?”

Can you be sexy at 60? I need to know. And I guess it depends on one’s perspective……

The reason I ask is both simple and simultaneously complicated. A little background may help explain why I ask this question and also why I need an answer.

In my early teens I was an above average athlete. I ran faster and jumped higher than most of my peers. Inspired by one of my best friends I started lifting weights. My friend became a bodybuilder while I lifted mainly for health and fitness.  I actually squatted 460 pounds as a high school sophomore.  I stopped lifting after high school as music became my mistress and took up all of my leisure time (and my money!).

At age 23 I had my annual physical.  Everything was good except…..my body mass index was around 30 I think. In other words I was over weight. The next day I bought a Men’s Health magazine and an excercise magazine. Before I started exercising I went a Bob’s Big Boy restaurant for the breakfast buffet.  I ate pancakes, French toast, sausage, bacon, hash browns, eggs, wings, biscuits, all my stomach could take. 

Then, for the next six years I went cold turkey on junk food. No chocolate, cakes, ice cream. No junk food. I went to the gym four days a week. One hour of weight training and thirty minutes of cardio a day.  34 inch waist. 180 pounds. 

I had worn size 34 pants for about 30 years. Fatherhood interrupted my fitness. The day after my first son was born I celebrated with my first Snickers in 10 years. The flood gates opened and back came all of the junk food bad habits. After my second son was born I celebrated with a honey bun and Pepsi. Game over.

Well into my thirties by then I decided to return to my good fitness habits. Still wearing size 34 pants but not healthy. So, I decided to become “Fit At 40”. Then youth sports and homework and college planning and home planning and marriage adjustments and financial planning and spiritual enrichment became my priority. Now approaching 50 I decided to become “Fit At 50”. Well, let’s just say that “time flies when you’re having fun…..”

So guess what?  The next decade that I am hopefully fortunate to live to will have a six in front. And you know what has happened? My pants size changed for the first time in about thirty years. And now when walk past a mirror my stomach appears first in the reflection……lol!  At first thought I said to myself that I would lose weight by adjusting my diet. Then I had a revelation! My why not return to my roots? Why not increase muscle mass in my whole body? Then my stomach wouldn’t stand out as much! And maybe build my abs into a six pack for the first time in my life! 

I’ve never considered myself as sexy. Don’t think any woman has ever told me I was sexy.  Never spent time looking at myself in photos or in the mirror. But times change. I need to get fit. I need to get healthy. I’m gonna proclaim it. I’m gonna be “Sexy At 60”!  I’ll keep you posted. 

“Just In Time For Sunset”

Monday. February 5, 2024. 5pm. Blessed to have the opportunity to work from home. Time to log off.

Planned all day to get out and enjoy some sunshine. Walk out for my routine check of the yard and cars. And…….

I discover an almost flat tire. My few minutes of sunshine spent looking at the the views shared above. We’ll see what tomorrow brings……

“45 Years and Counting……”


A long, long time ago in a galaxy far away one of my classmates brought one of these to school.  Rubiks Cube he called it. Not long after these cubes started showing up all over school.

After a few days my classmate still had not figured it out. Sometime thereafter another student walks by with the colors perfectly aligned.  We accused him of not rearranging the cube after purchasing and pretending that he had solved it. The student quickly rearranged the colors and almost as quickly arranged them again. …..

Later that year a family member bought a Cube and did the same thing.  Astonished, I tried as best I could but never solved the Cube.

One recent day while checking out videos the Cube pops up out of nowhere.  Was it here to taunt me?  I had to find out so I bought one. 

Now let’s see……

“Just A Thought”

Winter is here. I like the Winter. In my younger days I would use cold, snowy days to write “term papers” and finish projects. As time went on I found that Winter provided a solitary environment for writing songs.

But……snow. What can I say that I haven’t already? The experts say that we have a snowy winter ahead. Gonna share some thoughts of winters past.